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Full Governing Body

There are seven Foundation Governors, two Elected Parent Governor positions and one Staff Governor. The majority of governors are appointed on the basis of the skills they can bring to the school, the most important of these being the ability to ask questions to make sure they challenge and support – this ensures the school is providing the best it can for all our children.


The following committees are in operation at St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School:

  • Standards Committee (includes Safeguarding, Standards, Curriculum)
  • Resources Committee (includes Finance, Personnel, Premises)

Standards Committee

The Standards Committee is made up of five Governors, this includes the Headteacher and any members of the school’s Senior Leadership Team as required. The main purpose of the committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil safeguarding, attainment and progress and ensuring that the curriculum has been fully implemented in line with government regulations. This committee ensures that the curriculum is broad, balanced and inclusive; meets the needs of all children and those with specific needs e.g. the most able, children with SEND, children with English as an Additional Language. It ensures that the school has undertaken annual Safeguarding training.

Resources Committee

The Resources Committee is made up of five Governors including the Headteacher. The main purpose of the committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around its financial performance and making sure its money is allocated appropriately in accordance with pupils need and school improvement priorities.

Our Standards and Resources committees meet at least once per term. Committee members monitor the school’s performance and are committed to raising standards and ensuring they meet their core functions.


Governors are an important part of selection and recruitment process for teaching staff and senior leaders. They work with the Archdiocese of Liverpool and the Local Authority to ensure that all guidelines and statutory requirements are carried out and adhered to.

Other Committees (including Admissions, Appeals, Complaints, Pay)

These committees meet when required to discuss issues, determine policies and make decisions in relation to their core function.

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