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  • Mrs S Richards – Senior Assistant Head & SENCo for EYFS & Y1 (0151) 477 8586
  • Mrs J Hunter – Assistant Head & SENCo for Years 2-6
  • Lisa Lodge – Learning Mentor (0151) 477 8150

SEN Policies

SEND Local Offer

Knowsley Borough Council can also offer advice and support regarding SEND.

Knowsley Local Offer is available on

This offer is accurate now, but services are regularly reviewed and could change.  All information will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new service offer. This service offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information. If you would like to comment on the content of the offer or make suggestions to improve the information, please contact

Knowsley Family Information Service         Email:              Call us:  0151 443 3247

SEND Links for Parents/Carers

SEN Reform

There have been many changes nationally for the provision of children with Special Educational Needs and these have been implemented since September 2014.

At St Brigid’s, we have always taken a child-centred approach, however, the approach to SEN provision places pupils very much at the centre of planning.

Below are 5 key changes:

1. Pupils and families will have more of a say

The system aims to put each young person and their family at the centre of discussions about the support offered. The government says that parents know their children best. We will ask parents to share their knowledge about how their child is developing, and involve them at every stage. We will consult so we can work out what is best for each pupil. Young people will also have new rights and their views are important and will also be taken into account.

2. Education, health and care plans have replaced statements

Under the 2014 rules, SEN statements and learning difficulty assessments have been replaced with education, health and care (EHC) plans taking children and young people up to the age of 25. Since September 2014, assessments of SEN follow the new rules, and support will be provided through an EHC plan.

3. School Action and School Action Plus categories have ended

School Action and School Action Plus – intervention schemes that tracked progress – have been removed in the code. Instead, there is a single school-based category for children who need extra specialist support. We will set out interventions and expected outcomes for these pupils, and review progress each term. We will also inform parents when pupils without an EHC plan receive special support.

4. Optional personal budgets for young people

Under the new system, young people and parents of pupils with an EHC plan can choose to hold a personal budget to buy in the support identified. The money will come from the high-needs funding block and will not normally affect the school’s notional SEN budget.

5. Teachers must make sure that every pupil makes progress

The code makes teachers more accountable for the progress of all pupils, even those supported by specialist staff. Teachers will expect to be judged on how well they teach pupils with SEN as a result of this. Our teachers know how to identify when pupils are displaying signs of special educational needs and they support pupils a range of pupils with different needs (particularly those needs they see more frequently). In line with the school’s continuous professional development agenda, staff who require additional training or support will continue to be assisted and directed as appropriate.

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