Arriving at school – The doors will open at 8.35am and close at 8.45am when all children should be in class ready to start learning. Pupils in Reception & Y1 should enter school using their classroom doors and children in Y2-6 will use the main hall doors where staff will greet them on entry.
Breakfast Club is available at a charge of £2 per day; if you would like to book a place, please contact Mrs Higham (
The end of the school day – The children in Reception Y1 & Y2 will end the day at 3.10pm and those in Y3-6 at 3.15pm. If you have children across year groups, please collect all of your children at 3.15pm. They should be collected from the following exit points:
Reception: Classroom
Year 1: Fenced area by Y1 outdoor provision
Year 2: Hall doors
Year 3: Main entrance next to Headteacher’s office
Year 4: Junior exit
Year 5: Junior exit
Year 6: Hall doors
Total curriculum time (this excludes break/lunch play) = 32½ hours
PE Day – All children should continue to come to school dressed in their PE kit on the day that they have PE (see below). School PE kit consists of a white t-shirt and royal blue shorts and/or a royal blue tracksuit (available at Lisa’s School Wear). No other clothing is acceptable for PE.
MON – Y5, TUES – Y6, WED – Y4 & Y1, THURS – Y2, Fri – Y3